Your new adventure can begin

Starting education
for future students
of CoachVille

Basic orientation in the world of CoachVille.
You are at the beginning of a great opportunity for your life
We are ICF accredited coach training and coaching community

Founded 2001

You will achieve certifications ICF ACC + ICF PCC.
Founded by founding father of coaching profession  Thomas Leonard

Students in 70+ countries

We are highly practical global coaching community. Trained multiple generations of coaches

We connect coaches with their new clients

Every student has maximum chances to build business.

ICF Level 1 + Level 2

We are ICF accredited since 2003
From 2025 we will be
ICF Level 3 accredited

Starting education package
for future coaches and leaders

Tento balíček ti pomůže se zorientovat ve světě koučování.
Jsi na začátku velké příležitosti pro svůj kariérní život.

How to approach this package?

Play the videos

Start with those that interests you the most

Study actively and write down your questions

We will answer all of your remaining questions, most of them will be answered in the videos

You can get back here at any time

Play what interests you the most. You can get back here any time.
Just bookmark the link or refer to your email.

Lets schedule strategy session for you

When you are finished with studying this package and if you like it, you can schedule your strategy session with us. We will help you create strategy that fits exactly your needs and situation. Plan you strategy AFTER you have studied this package.

Strategy session is the starting point

We will go deep into your life adventure and create best possible path to fulfill your dreams with CoachVille. We will answer all your remaining questions. Result of this session is clear YES or NO for the future journey together. Both parties decides.

What you find on this page?

Education videos
will introduce you to the new opportunity vehicle, that is unlike anything you may experienced before.
will give you insight into important distinctions that sets CoachVille apart from everything else.
Video interviews
with our students and alumni will give you insights into how does it look like when somebody is engaged with us. We will be adding more over the time.

Our team

Are you misssing something here?

Share your ideas with us

Get in touch over the phone

Is it urgent? Call us
Client Success Team

Ing. Jan Bujok

Client Success Team

Ing. Jan Kubica

CoachVille Europe Ambassador

Aleš Vrána, MCC, MBA

Why this oportunity matters?

Be yourself as a coach and as a manager

Authentic leadership. You will discover a way to be authentic and  effective in your role as a manager, improve relationships with your team, and significantly ease your role. You don’t need to have the intention to leave the company. Our experience shows that most leaders begin to enjoy their work much more by incorporating coaching methods and skills into it.

If you are on your path to discover new meaningful career

Congratulations! Many of our students are heading towards professional coaching. In this series, you will find everything you need to discover a new career path. Go deep into the videos.

You don't have to quit your job right now, its a gradual process

It is a gradual process.  You can decide to resign any time later. With an increasing number of paying clients, you can decide for yourself what the optimal balance between work and life is for you. You can keep your job for several more years, or you can leave your job soon after you have paying clients. The freedom is yours.

All CoachVille students are going through personal transformation

Every coach is regularly coached throughout the entire training. This leads to significant breakthroughs in their life. They transform their life. It is a very enjoyable and interesting journey of self-discovery and self-reflection. You will experience progress and aliveness.

Why is coaching with CoachVille
better than any employment?

Are you thinking about a career change? Coaching offers you freedom, fulfillment, and great earnings. At CoachVille, we will teach you everything you need to start with confidence and support. We will connect you with clients. Join us and start a new chapter!
Discover 24 differences between CoachVille and employment

Learn from video
and find out more:


Webpage with Vimeo Video


Lets get back to basics. Coaching explained simply.
Webpage with Vimeo Video


How much you can earn as a professional coach? We bring you practical insights into money flow in coaching.
We dive deep into three different calculations about your income, business model and growth.
Webpage with Vimeo Video

Who is CoachVille?

Who are we?

We are coaching community of coaches and players who love to learn and grow
We are positive and playful
We are masters of profound belonging
We are devoted to live our dreams
We are encouraged to change the world
We are generous
We are authentic
We are inspired and inspiring
We are grateful

How we play?

We honor our words and actions
We respect others and respect ourselves
We keep simplicity and laserspeak
We support each other
We honor our commitments
We keep the spirit of this codex
We believe in CoachVille power and we care,
so that other people believe in CoachVille too.
We protect the CoachVille culture.

Learn more
about CoachVille

Start here: Meet Dave Buck, MCC - CEO and founder of CoachVille
In this interview, you will encounter the approach of the founder of Coachville. Dave Buck is an inspiration for many generations of coaches around the world. In this interview, we will explore the importance of coaching, its role in the world, and why coaching will become one of the largest professions globally.
Webpage with Vimeo Video

Why to prefer CoachVille?

We play different sport than others. We build our own category, blue ocean. 
We are the preferred choice for people who want to transform their career.

Long term tradition and specialty focus on professional practice

Path to Mastery through relentless innovation, lead by ICF MCC

Complete system leads to joyful thriving practice

Practicality over long time with no overhead

CoachVille is a market maker

Recognize 19 differences
between CoachVille
a "the others"

We don't believe in competition. We have our own path. We are here for the journey towards mastery in the field of coaching and professional coaching at the highest possible level.
Differences are very important for distinguishing suitable program for you:

Discover the power of CoachVille Program
Play videos below

CoachVille Program Walkthrough
with Coach Dave
This is essential video, where Dave Buck is going to show you the school. Watch this to learn about what the program contains and how its structured.  
Webpage with Vimeo Video

How many hours of training?

125 hours

Overall length of our  ICF Level 2 accredited program


participation in our program. For one price, you can study even multiple years. Get class refresher any time in the future.

Complete system

Our program is going through relentless innovation since 2001. You get all what you need as a coach to thrive.


Lead trainer is legendary
Dave Buck, MCC. Watch videos with him on this page, get to know him.

Earn your credentials

1 year

is average for earning your ICF ACC credential

2-3 years

is usual for earning your ICF PCC credential

300+ h

our students coach on average per year.

900 h

Professional coaches coach up to 900 hours per year.

Practical information
for future students

How one week in CoachVille training looks like?
What the training contains and how you can imagine to study while still working.
How to approach the time and being busy?
Webpage with Vimeo Video

With Coachville, you can make it.
What are Coachville students saying?

To build coaching practice is learnable set of skills. We have system. You have a dream. Playing together is the best choice

Read experiences of our students

"Todays call was with a client from Coachville, again I was nervous because this was my first client who was not from my area, he wanted to set up an exploratory meeting, he said YES, but since he was on a business trip we didn't make the call until 2 weeks later. I was worried that his interest would wear off but it worked out well, he even liked the first exploratory meeting so much that he wanted to pay right away."
Kamila Fibicher
"So I got my first yes in my first call. It was easy because I had already talked to my player about this possibility. When I told her that now was the time we were going to play the game together - we both started to look forward to it. I sent her the link to class for players and she wrote me "thanks for the gift". Thank you"
Jana Plechac
"I asked for an increased price with a new player and he accepted it completely without any additional questions. You just have to allow it for yourself and know your value."
Peter Oliver
"I enjoy reaching out to new players. Also I've gotten a lot of positive feedback. Thank you"
Kate Voloch
"The phone call and the first lesson with my player went very naturally and smoothly. It was a no-brainer to agree on further cooperation. It definitely helped me to stick to the recommended (and practice-tested) methods. Thank you CoachVille"
Veronika Sera
"I have just approached a friend with a proposal to cooperate in coaching. I got a YES for an initial strategy meeting next week. The phone conversation was short but packed with information. Role play worked:-) I speak on the spot, felt at ease and it was  authentic experience. A big THANK YOU to my partners. "
Radovan Sablik
"Even though I got "no", the person gave me contact information for another person who turned out to be a new paying client."
Ivan Mistecky
"I called a few people and approached one personally and got a YES from all of them. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to getting a NO and learning how to work with rejection."
Marek Novotny
"I understood one pretty important thing - that Coachville leads us to have paid sessions from the very first lesson. If we want to make a living in coaching, we can't have a problem asking for money. And this is exactly what CoachVille teaches us. From the very first lesson, we also learn to ask for money for our work, but most importantly for our time. Awesome! Thank you for that."
Olga Galasova
"I reached out to people I know. And because we meet as friends often and they noticed the change that was happening to me, they didn't hesitate for a moment. I've recently reached out to two other players. One said he didn't want to live same life as before and wants to do something about it. And the other player told me she's not averse to anything new. It was such a great idea to reach out to those two and it worked. I was surprised."
Jitka Hutova
"I approached one person todaa and got a yes from him."
Jitka Masatova
"Today I met a friend and when she asked me what is new with me, I told her that I had enrolled in a coaching school. We talked for a while about how great it is, how coaching helps people. She was interested and after a while we agreed that she would be my player. I feel great, this really make sense."
Jana Kopecká
"I got my first No, second Yes, third Yes, fourth Yes. The first no made me sad because I know about this person how much he cares about his personal development.  We continue being good friends. I look forward to the next phone calls to see what new things I discover."
Miroslava Pavlikova
"I write and call people via FB/Messenger. Oddly enough, they say yes quite a lot. I didn't expect that. They object, e.g. You don't walk in my shoes, you can't give me advice. I won't give you advice, you find your own way - and then why do I need you? My response is: you will tell me after you experience it."
Martin Cernek
"I have personally approached 5 people so far and I have got a YES from all of them. My initial expectation was that it would be hard to convince someone to try coaching with me and I was very pleasantly surprised that it didn't come true - it totally confirmed Aleš's recommendation that I shouldn't expect anything 👍 I'm very grateful for this experience, but I'm kind of looking forward to my first NO so I can experience it too and see what it's like and how I'll react."
Lenka Janikova
"I called the player last Wednesday and she was quite unpleasant, even though she wanted me to call back, so I was wondering if I would. In the end I thought "experience is important, both the good and the bad". And today the player was totally in tune and it was totally fine. She became my paying client, what a suprise. I need to be more careful of my assumptions."
Pavel Šindelář
"I started out coaching in exchange for a quid pro quo; today I ask for 80EUR per session; in some situations I am willing to reduce the price in exchange for a recommendation or written review."
Kate Gregor
"Today, I've had two phone calls so far and I've gotten two yeses. I chose from my circle of friends and decided to approach my two players because they both don't go with the mainstream in certain areas of their lives and have the desire and courage to do things differently. The hardest part in my case was picking up the phone."
Barbora Elias
"Recruiting new players has been very easy for me, I have recently gotten into a community of women who are on a similar wave length and want to grow. All I had to do was simply email to see if they were interested in trying it out for themselves. And I already have a waiting list. I feel very lucky."
Jarmila Krapacek
"I thought about how to reach out to potential players and primarily used Instagram and Facebook stories saying "...I'm on my way to get my license...and I need to coach 500h..." this alone got me 3 first lessons arranged and a few more people want to try it in the future."
Tomas Ptacek

What our students
say about their CoachVille journey?

Webpage with Vimeo Video

Discover your potential
through coaching

Is fear holding you back? watch this
What fear can teach you? How is CoachVille training similar to Tahiti?
Testimonial logo

What is unique about CoachVille?
Why with CoachVille?

CoachVille was founded by founder of coaching industry and co-founder of ICF: Thomas Leonard
We are at the source. The founder of Coachville is Thomas Leonard, the founding father of the coaching field.

Thomas Leonard founded the first coaching schools in the world and co-founded the ICF - International Coaching Federation - currently the largest professional non-profit organisation in the coaching field (well over 50.000 members now). All  sources tracing the history of coaching point back to Thomas.

In CoachVille, you learn from the original source. We keep Thomas legacy live after he passed in 2003.
Coaching legend and CEO: Dave Buck, MCC
CoachVille's 2nd co-founder is coaching  legend Dave Buck - Coach Dave.  True master coach with over 25,000 hours of coaching and coach training experience. Ranked as the 7th most influential coach in the world in 2008 in a poll of 10,000 ICF coaches voted him, Dave has trained thousands of professional coaches around the world. Dave is relentless coaching innovator and  author of CoachVille ICF accredited program.
Our European ambassador: Ales Vrana, MCC
The CoachVille Ambassador for Europe is Aleš Vrána, MCC. ICF Master Certified Coach. Aleš started in coaching in 2012 and continued his journey in thriving coaching practice ever since.  He is co-founder of CoachVille Europe and his mission is to build community of European coaches who will move the needle of personal transformation for 10 million people in Europe. Ales is a gamechanger and rainmaker.
We hold ICF Level 1 + Level 2 accreditations, you will earn your ICF ACC and ICF PCC credential with us
We hold the highest level of accreditation for coaching training - ICF Level 2. This is a true mark of top quality education that is in line with the highest standards in the industry.

In 2025 we will hold ICF Level 3 accreditation and will be the only school in the country to prepare coaches for ICF MCC certification. We are in final phase of accreditation of this level.
We are professionals - we live and breathe coaching. Join tribe of people who love what they do
Our methods and skills have helped thousands of people from 70 countries to become professional coaches. Coaching is learnable. You can learn it too. Our mission is professionalisation - we'll help you build a practice full of paying clients so that you can earn your living through coaching and help many people in your lifetime - enjoying every minute.
Unlimited live classes participation at no extra cost
We are crazy in a very useful way. You can repeat our training sessions with no limits, participate in the class every year or all the time. You learn in iterations and mastery is path for a long time. We will be with you along your journey. You won't find this anywhere else.
Complete program to earn ICF ACC and ICF PCC in one system. And soon we will add path to ICF MCC
Our training is a complete and comprehensive program that leads reliably to the ICF ACC and ICF PCC. One training system, interconnected methodical and skills based trainings.

Earning ICF ACC and PCC certification clearly separates professionals from everybody else. Clients value these certifications, as they provide certainty and proven return on investment.
You will learn everything that you need to build thriving professional coaching practice
We are focused  on coach professionalisation. Most of our students and graduates are becoming professionals. You need paying clients to become professionals. We provide proven system that guides you every step of the way.
We will kickstart your coaching career. In 23+ years we know how to do this fairly well. Rely on us.
We will help you start your business, get good paying players and gradually build your thriving practice. This way, you might be ready to exit your currect job in 6-24 months from your start in our training.
You will grow your coaching self-confidence
We'll teach you how to be a great coach even if you don't believe in yourself yet. You'll gain confidence by getting started. With us, you'll be coaching your first 100 hours with clients soon enough. You build your self-esteem with every hour of your practice.
You will learn from the coaching industry legend: Dave Buck, MCC himself.
In his 27 years in coaching field, Coach Dave is a  gem. He loves coaching and training even more after coaching over 1000 human beings.

Its our pleasure and honor at CoachVille to give you the great opportunity to learn from him directly. If you watched videos on this page, you already met him. His profound understanding of humanity and coaching field is unmatched.

You will truly learn from the best in class.
While there is many experts in coaching field, rarely you will meet somebody even close to Coach Dave.

We are CoachVille
We love coaching

You can see part of CoachVille community.
Are you one of us?

Watched everything here and want to continue with us?

Wait for our call or contact us. In case you receive emails from CoachVille, just hit reply and we will get in touch quickly.
Next step after watching this package is strategic meeting. We will create  strategy that fits your life situation and also, we will respond to all your questions.


Phone contact

+420 734 690 487

CoacAll site contents © CoachVille, LLC 2024. Use with attribution or license permissions only.
CoachVille, LLC, PO Box 904, Hopatcong, NJ 07843, USA